wtorek, 4 czerwca 2013

Od Ayline CD Sayony

-Poprostu posłuchaj tej piosenki. 
The secret side of me
I'll never let you see
I keep it caged but I can´t control that
So stay away from me, the beast is ugly 
I feel the rage and I just can´t hold that

It´s scratchin on the walls
In the closet in the halls
It comes awake and I can´t control that
Hidin' under the bed
In my body in my head
Why won´t somebody come and save me from this
Make it end

I feel it deep within
It´s just beneath the skin
I must confess that i feel like a monster

I hate what I´ve become
The nightmare´s just begun
I must confess that I feel like a monster

I, I feel like a monster
I, I feel like a monster

My secret side I keep
Hid under lock and key
I keep it caged but I can´t control that
Cause if I let him out
He´ll tear me up break me down
Why won´t somebody come and save me from this
Make it end

I feel it deep within
It´s just beneath the skin
I must confess that i feel like a monster

I hate what I´ve become
The nightmare´s just begun
I must confess that I feel like a monster

I feel it deep within
It´s just beneath the skin
I must confess that i feel like a monster

I, I feel like a monster
I, I feel like a monster

It's hiding in the dark
It's teeth are razor sharp
There´s no escape for me
It want's my soul it want's my heart

No one can hear me scream
Maybe it's just a dream
Maybe it's inside of me
Stop this monster

I feel it deep within
It´s just beneath the skin
I must confess that i feel like a monster

I hate what I´ve become
The nightmare´s just begun
I must confess that I feel like a monster

I feel it deep within
It´s just beneath the skin
I must confess that i feel like a monster

I'm gonna lose control
It's something radical
I must confess that I feel like a monster

I, I feel like a monster
I, I feel like a monster
I, I feel like a monster
I, I feel like a monster- śpiewałam.-Teraz rozumiesz?
-Tak, po części.
-To dobrze. Chyba jesteś jedyną osobą, która mnie rozumie... Tylko, prosze, nie pytaj się mnie, jak to jest, trzymać w sobie taką siłę, bo i tak ci nie odpowiem. Niezrozumiałabyś....

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